Cameron Diaz & Justin Timberlake are flirting up a storm on set

August 2024 · 2 minute read


These are some new photos of Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake working together on the set of Bad Teacher. Now, I know the headline was slightly misleading. But as I was going through all of these photos, one thing stood out: both JT and Camy are flirting with each other, you can tell from their body language, and both are thinking about it. Pacific Coast News notes that Camy and JT “seemed to be all smiles and very comfortable while working with one another in a professional atmosphere.” Now, I know some people (most people) don’t really give a crap about whether or not Cameron is going to steal Justin away from Jessica Biel, but this is endlessly fascinating to me. Because I really think it’s on.


Just look at the way Cameron is looking at JT as he… dances? Is that dancing? Or is just doing his blocking for a shot? I can’t really tell, but he looks like he’s “presenting” as we would say in the animal kingdom. Anyway, Cameron looks totally into it. The Daily Mail/Star has a source who claims: “’Their chemistry is incredible. Cameron was craving a high-energy comedy and sexual sparks, and she’s definitely getting that with Justin! She positively glows when she’s around him. Cameron couldn’t care less about Jessica. She’s not going to let her stand in the way.”

Is this fake laughter? Is Cameron like, “Ohmygod, you’re so funny, so come back to my trailer?”


Let me ask you something ladies: would you want your boyfriend to be hanging out with his ex-girlfriend, and you could see from the photo evidence that there were still sparks between them? I couldn’t take it. I would have a hissy fit.

JT & Camy on April 7, 2010. Credit: Pacific Coast News.
