Station 19 Finale Recap 05/18/23: Season 6 Episode 18 Glamorous Life

September 2024 · 6 minute read

Station 19 Finale Recap 05/18/23: Season 6 Episode 18 "Glamorous Life"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 18, 2023, season 6 episode 18 called, “Glamorous Life,” and we have your Station 19 recap below. On tonight’s Station 19 Season 6 Episode 18 recap as per the ABC synopsis,“The Station 19 crew trade in their turnouts for tuxes and gowns as they attend the Firefighters Ball; but when disaster strikes, they jump into action to save the day.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 6 episode 17 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Eli was a lot more forgiving after he ended up on the winning team. His guy won the Mayoral race. He therefore thought it was time to finally admit he has feelings for Travis. The two of them got together and Eli was Travis’s date for the Firefighters’ Ball.

Everyone went to the Ball. The new Mayor-elect even attended. Andy was hoping to sweet talk him into choosing Fire Chief Ross as his new Fire Chief. She ran into some issues from other firefighters trying to get the job for themselves. Also, Ross doesn’t need her to advocate for her. She appreciates it. She sees how much Andy cares about this city and that’s why Andy was named the new permanent captain of Station 19.

Andy thought it was her duty to tell Theo herself. They both knew they were the only ones running in that particular race. It’s not like Ross could have promoted Sullivan again. Andy also counted Theo as a friend or at least she did until she told him her news. He reacted by badmouthing Ross. Theo claims that Ross only chose her because Andy was advocating for her. He said that Ross loves a quid pro quo. Andy walked away from him before he could say anything else. Theo then got angry at his own girlfriend because Vic had been happy for Andy.

Vic could see that this captainship wasn’t working with Theo. He micromanages, he yells, and he thought this was all about him. He thought Vic being happy for Andy was also about him. He accused Vic of being disloyal. He was just being hateful towards her until she snapped. She told him that being with him since he became captain had been a chore.

She said he would never have gotten the job without her. She was the one that began investigating the barbershop fire as possible arson. She was the one that dragged him with her kicking and screaming and yet he’s the one that got promoted.

He’s the one that got validation. Theo also never personally thanked Vic for all that she did for him. Theo was there for her during a trying time after Miller died and she thought she owed him something.

Then he revealed his true colors with this. He showed he can’t take criticism. He showed that power goes to his head. He also showed that he was looking for an excuse to finally cheat with Kate. Kate came to the fundraiser with Jack only she ignored him for most of it. She kept finding other people to talk to.

ate barely see Jack. She mostly ignored him at the firehouse. She didn’t even notice when Jack went to the kitchen because Kitty Dixon said it smelled like wires on fire. The ball was being held to raise money for one of her charities. Her husband went with her as her date. It made things awkward with Station 19. Anyways, Kitty called Jack. He found a fire happening in the walls. He evacuated the kitchen. The fire was happening below them. Andy as the new captain went down below with Union President Captain Drew Farris.

They saw that the fire originated underneath the ballroom. It weakened the beams. They were going to evacuate the ballroom when unfortunately people cutting it up on the dance floor had stretched it to capacity. The floor gave way. People got hurt. The firefighters now have to rescue them as well as get everyone else out of the building safely. Before the floor gave way, Jack had a busy night. He met a waitress who was so heavily pregnant that she went into labor. The poor woman plans on giving up her baby for adoption. And she hasn’t chosen adoptive parents yet.

Nanette was completely out of her depth. Jack was trying to get her medical attention when he checked a closet for medical supplies and he found Theo making out with Kate. Kate has been flirting with him since he became captain. Theo also let being captain go to his head. He cheated on Vic. He tried to talk to Jack about it and Jack went into the ballroom to check on Nanette. That was when the floor gave way. Nanette was one of the people that fell down below. She came to after they got her out and they moved her to the kitchen that had been safeguarded.

Nanette later started to code. It wasn’t good for her baby. They had to perform a c-section out in the open with one of the knives from the kitchen and this was going on after Sullivan heard SOS signals from down in the hole in the ballroom floor. He knew that the message could only be Ross. Sullivan and Ross were fighting prior to the accident. She wanted to resume their relationship now that everything was out in the open. Sullivan was still upset with her for telling the union about them. He was also upset that everything seemed to be working on her timeframe. Not their timeframe.

Then the floor gave way. Sullivan got Ross out of the hole. She had lost consciousness by that point. She needed urgent medical care and the whole ballroom was full. Andy had taken the lead. She was giving out orders. She also told Montgomery to stop CPR on someone that’s been down too long. That someone was Dixon. Dixon had fallen and he lived long enough to tell Montgomery he was his favorite and then he passed away.

And just as Jack was about to tell Vic the truth – he passed out after taking another injury to his head.

